Celebrate and parade, island style.

The Isle of Palms has quickly become an island of golf carts. It’s how folks like to get around, hit the Harris Teeter, get to the beach, go to dinner, and trick-or-treat.
July 4th is no exception. It didn't start out as an organized event, but more of a beloved (and growing) tradition that’s been around for more than 30 years. 2025 marks the 5th year as an official event. It’s the annual “Isle of Palms Community 4th of July Golf Cart Parade.” They expect several hundred golf carts to take part.
Folks love to decorate their carts, themselves, and sometimes their bikes, and to show off their pride in the red, white and blue. Uncle Sam usually makes an appearance or two. Candy will be thrown. Water guns and hoses will be blasting, although this year they're banning water balloons due to environmental concerns.
It takes place on the end of the island toward Breach Inlet.
Here's the scoop from the City:
The annual 4th of July Golf Cart Parade will start promptly at 10 a.m. at 4th Avenue and Ocean Boulevard.
Parade Route & Information:
- Line up begins at 9:30 a.m.
- Parade route starts at 4th and Ocean Blvd. & ends at 2nd and Palm Blvd.
- Exit Points: 9th & Ocean and 2nd & Palm Blvd ONLY
To ensure a safe and orderly event, attendees are asked to follow these important rules:
- Consumption of alcohol is NOT permitted
- Golf cart operator must have valid driver’s license
- All cart drivers must have proper registration and insurance documentation on hand
- Participants may not exceed the recommended capacity of the cart
- Candy is allowed but should be handed out and not thrown
- Water balloons are NOT permitted
- Water guns are allowed, but please use good judgement and avoid people's faces
- Golf Carts & LSVs ONLY
Help us keep our island clean and pick up litter after the parade!
If you’re here and have rented a cart, you’re welcome to take part. Or just head over and watch the patriotism roll down the street.
There is no website or phone number, as it is more of an organic happening. For more info, you can contact event coordinator Diane Juras, who can be reached at djuras@comcast.net.