6 BR6.5 BA14 Guests First floor porch overlooking pool and ocean First floor porch overlooking pool and oceanCoastal Sunrise - 702 Ocean Blvd. Coastal Sunrise - 702 Ocean Blvd.3D Virtual TourCoastal Sunrise - 702 Ocean Blvd. Coastal Sunrise - 702 Ocean Blvd.Kitchen with ocean views Kitchen with ocean viewsLiving room with ocean views Living room with ocean viewsKitchen and dining table Kitchen and dining tablePrivate pool and hot tub Private pool and hot tubBack of home Back of homePrivate boardwalk to the beach Private boardwalk to the beachCoastal Sunrise on the ocean Coastal Sunrise on the oceanOpen floor space Open floor spaceDining with a view of the ocean Dining with a view of the oceanSecond floor living space Second floor living spaceFoyer FoyerBedroom 3 - Master with king bed, ocean views and office area Bedroom 3 - Master with king bed, ocean views and office areaBedroom 3 - Master with king bed, ocean views and office area Bedroom 3 - Master with king bed, ocean views and office areaBedroom 3 - Master with king bed, ocean views and office area Bedroom 3 - Master with king bed, ocean views and office areaBathroom 3 on second floor Bathroom 3 on second floorBathroom 3 on second floor Bathroom 3 on second floorBedroom 2 on first floor with king bed Bedroom 2 on first floor with king bedBedroom 4 with king bed on second floor Bedroom 4 with king bed on second floorBedroom 5 with two queen beds Bedroom 5 with two queen bedsBedroom 1 with one queen bed Bedroom 1 with one queen bedBedroom 6 bunkbed (double over double) on second floor Bedroom 6 bunkbed (double over double) on second floorBathroom 1 on first floor Bathroom 1 on first floorBathroom 4 on second floor Bathroom 4 on second floorBathroom 2 on first floor Bathroom 2 on first floorBathroom 5 on second floor Bathroom 5 on second floorBathroom 4 on second floor Bathroom 4 on second floorBathroom 6 on second floor Bathroom 6 on second floorNew 1st Floor Floor Plan New 1st Floor Floor PlanNew 2nd Floor Floor Plan New 2nd Floor Floor PlanGas Grill Gas GrillOutside dining and deck views Outside dining and deck viewsDining table Dining tableKitchen island Kitchen islandDining/living area Dining/living areaPrivate boardwalk to the beach Private boardwalk to the beachLaundry room on first floor Laundry room on first floorLiving room space Living room spaceBathroom 3 Bathroom 3Living/sitting room on second floor Living/sitting room on second floor Request infoSearch AvailabilityFeatured Amenities: ElevatorHot TubPrivate PoolOceanfrontKey#Night Available#Night Unavailable#Depart Only